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Let's Talk about Love


Love...One word for something with many degrees.

Did you know that some of the dialects of Eskimos have 40-50 words for snow?

Central Siberian Yupik has 40 such terms, while the Inuit dialect spoken in Canada’s Nunavik region has at least 53, including “matsaaruti,” for wet snow that can be used to ice a sleigh’s runners, and “pukak,” for the crystalline powder snow that looks like salt.

Yet in the English language we have one word for love.

I don't love pizza the same way I love my son. And I don't love my son the same way I love my spouse. 

Often times the word love is used so often that it's meaning can sometimes get lost. 

This is such an important topic to talk to young people about especially as crushes increase during puberty. 

The desire to be close to someone is essential to our livelihood and as we approach child bearing age that need evolves and romanticizes. 

Nature comes in and creates urges to be close to...

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